Comfortable two-bedroom apartment in the city center

Booking Info

When booking this property, a valid passport or ID copy of the occupant must be submitted at the time of payment, otherwise the owner has the right to refuse entry due to the inability to establish a legally binding lease and pay stamp duty.
If you cancel the booking before the check-in time, a partial refund will be provided, but the accommodation fee for the first 30 nights is non-refundable. If you cancel before check-in, the cleaning fee will be fully refunded.
Please input date


Service Time (From): 2:00 PM
Service Time (To): 11:00 AM


The two-bedroom apartment in the northern part of Hong Kong is comfortable and spacious, designed specifically for families. The apartment features modern decor, with a 1.8-meter-wide double bed in the master bedroom, a single bed in the second bedroom, one or two bathrooms, and a fully equipped kitchen.

Room facilities and services

Heating and cooling - Air conditioner
Internet and Office - Dedicated Workspace


Terms & Conditions