

多於 0 小時退回款項 100%
於 0 小時內退回款項 價值($) 0


服務時間 (由): 2:00 PM
服務時間 (至): 11:00 AM


Room amenities and services

Heating and cooling - Air conditioner
Internet and Office - Wifi
Internet and Office - Dedicated Workspace
Bathroom - Hair dryer
Bathroom - Shampoo
Bathroom - Body Soap
Bedroom and laundry - Iron
Entertainment - Exercise Equipment
Home safety - Smoke alarm
Home safety - Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Home safety - Fire Extinguisher
Home safety - First Aid Kit
Kitchen & Dining - Coffee Maker: Nespresso
Kitchen & Dining - Wine Glasses
Kitchen & Dining - Coffee
Parking and facilities - Shared gym in building
Parking and facilities - Paid street parking off premises
Services - Self Check-In
Services - Building Staff
Bathroom - Hot Water
Bathroom - Shower Gel
Kitchen & Dining - Refrigerator
Location features - Laundromat nearby
Services - Long Term Stays allowed
Bathroom - Conditioner
Bedroom and laundry - Hangers
Bedroom and laundry - Bed Linens
Bedroom and laundry - Extra Pillows and Blankets
Bedroom and laundry - Room-Darkening Shades
Bedroom and laundry - Clothing Storage: Closet
Entertainment - Ethernet Connection
Family - Babysitter recommendations

Not Included

Exterior security cameras on property

Things to know

During your stay - 2 guests maximum
Checking in and out - Self check-in with building staff

